Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Update- Israeli Defense ministry.

Tonight we had a forum where the Israeli Defense Ministry Spokesman came and basically gave us the Israeli Government point of view of peace talks in the Middle East. While I wish I could have learned more about the situation before he came and lectured to our group of 80, it was really interesting and quite an opportunity to listen to someone distinguished and important in the Israeli Government. I can't wait to hear the Palestinian point of view, but this was still a really neat opportunity. Other than that today we visited Hebrew University and I studied the rest of today. The academic program here is difficult and I made the decision to do my homework while here. (A difficult decision since we have to choose between going out into Jerusalem and doing homework.) I decided to try and keep my GPA somewhat intact. Also, we visited the western wall a couple days ago.  I was overwhelmed with the feeling of the place being "holy."  It was a neat experience. Christ called the temple his "Father's house," and the western wall is the only remaining part of it left. Well, signing off, shalom!

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