Monday, April 25, 2011

Here we go!

Alright, well here I go starting my first blog. I'm pretty sure the point of a blog is to put everything personal about yourself online for anyone to see. Sounds like fun. Well, here goes. The last couple weeks have been crazy! I got a call about a month and a half ago from the BYU Jerusalem office here in Provo, Utah. I had contacted them earlier about going to BYU Jerusalem in the spring/summer but they had told me there wasn't any room and I shouldn't apply. However, they called me, and said that they'd had more people drop out then they expected and that if I wanted to go, I had the weekend to decide. Well I thought about it and realized it was something I'd always wanted to do here at BYU but had always found excuses not too. Well, long story short, I called them back and told them YES! I had to do a lot of paperwork at the last minute and had to change my plans for the whole next year, but I know it'll be worth it! I leave Wednesday morning, will be flying to Detroit, then JFK, then to Tel Aviv in Jerusalem! A 20 hour trip! Well, hopefully I figure out something to do with all that free time. I only know one or two people who are going, so this should be a way different experience.

While in Jerusalem I'll be studying the Old and New Testaments, Ancient and Modern Middle Eastern Studies, the Jewish and Arab cultures, as well as taking a field trip class and a one credit Conversational Hebrew Class! We'll be traveling around Israel as well as Jordan, as well as Turkey! Usually we'd travel to Egypt and see tons of things there but with all the upheaval there recently we'll be going to Turkey.

I have no idea how much I'll update this blog, hopefully once a week would be cool, but I have no idea what it's going to be like! If you need to get a hold of me you can e-mail me since I won't be using Facebook while there. If you can log in as one of the "followers" of the blog so I can get an idea of whose following it! Wish me luck!

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